My startup at the Incubator of Telecom Paris

For over a year, I have been working on The project has been growing nicely, and last week, Lokad has been accepted at the Incubator of Telecom Paris. The incubator of Telecom Paris is the largest incubator in France with some nice success stories (such as Netvibes).

Thus, for the next 18 months, Lokad will have nice offices in Paris (in the 14th arrondissement).

For a young company, an incubator is probably the nicest way to smooth all the mundane details (yet critical) that become unavoidable as soon your company grows beyond the stage of the 1-man company. Details include getting an office, a phone, a network connection, a lawyer, a copy machine, a coffee machine, an accountant, a meeting room, …

Since we have a couple of investors too, Lokad is now hiring. In particular, I am looking for top notch developers. Do not hesitate to apply or to forward the link.

Reader Comments (1)

Felicitations ! Euh pardon… Congratulations ! ;P Especially for the coffe machine (the most important of the ‘details’ you mentionned, who needs a laywer ?) Anyway, I wish you the best for the hiring process and your company’s growth ! March 25, 2008 | Thibauld